Wednesday, October 19, 2011

30 Days of Glory

We are running a 30 day focused "challenge" here at Chattanooga Strength which we have decided to call the "30 Days of Glory." Not the 30 Days to Glory, because this is not about an end date. It is not about finishing. This is about living every day gloriously! It is about doing all the things that you know you should be doing. It means: doing your burpees, not eating junk, getting your protein, and not missing any training sessions.

Measurements and before photos have been taken. Prepare for Glory!

Bench 195x 5-5-11
DB Curls +30 14-12
Neck Harness 45x 50-50-25-25
Squat 250x5-5-12

Press 130x5-5-10
Chins +35x 10-9
Neck Harness 45x 50-50-50-50
Deadlift 285x12

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hard work work

Been getting my regular lift on, despite some sort of satanic throat/sinus problem. All the usual lifts are on their way back up, and I am even breaking some rep records with about 20 pounds less bodyweight which feels pretty good.

Still working a lot (Rick Ross Et al).

The music streamed by whatever company at my new job is mostly pop stuff, and luckily not elevator muzak, but I have to listen to Rick Astley almost every day. I can feel it in my bones that someone gets a sick pleasure from adding that in to the mix.

Press 127.5x 5-5-11
Chins 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Neck Raises 45x 50-50
Deadlift 280x12