Friday, May 6, 2011

Tornado De-load Week

Had some bad storms roll through on the 27th, trees came down, and I lost power for several days. Luckily the trees all fell along the road rather than onto the house. Had a pretty close miss on my car, many others in my area were not as lucky. Cars were confined to the driveway, but the road was open on one side so I had a friend drive over and pick up the housemates and I-as well as all of our frozen and refrigerated foods.

Although my friend didn't have power either, he did have a gas grill so we managed to cook all the food we grabbed before it went bad. We actually got to eat pretty well for a couple days-grilled salmon, eggs, flank steak, even managed to grill a frozen pizza.

Didn't do any real strength training all week, but I did manage to get in some "functional training."

Back to it, time to gain lost ground and momentum!

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